Services Procurement
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Our Services Procurement offering is all about finding you a better way to buy consultancy & professional services.
Spend on consultancy and professional services is often far less managed than many other areas of organisational spend. Our mission is to provide visibility and control over all types of consultancy spend: delivering you better value, generating savings, and increasing operational and supply chain compliance.
“Using Consultancy+ has been very useful over the last few years. The contract has been invaluable as we have been able to single source all our consultancy requirements under one supplier, enabling us to make substantial savings and streamline our processes.”
Lancashire Constabulary
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SOW and Consultancy solutions - Private Sector
SOW and Consultancy solutions - Private Sector
At Consultancy+, we offer and support organisations with smarter ways to buy cost effective SOW, consultancy, and professional services.
We can help you benefit from more visibility, control, reduced risk, impressive cost savings and access to the very best suppliers to deliver tangible value.
From using the benefits of our complimentary product, Health check+ to give you a snapshot of your business, to engaging Consultancy+ as your managed service programme partner of choice, Consultancy+ has the solution for you.
Managed Services for Consultancy and Professional Services - Public Sector
Managed Services for Consultancy and Professional Services - Public Sector
A managed service is nothing new – engaging one provider to face-off to establish a partnership relationship that delivers visibility of spend, enhanced value and control. We’ve found a way to deliver all of this for our clients across all their consultancy and professional services spend.
In this type of relationship Consultancy+ work with their client to assess, engage, onboard & manage a supply chain of providers to deliver consultancy and professional services across the client organisation. This offers multiple benefits including: a single route to supply, support in procurement of best value – often in areas that have previously been over-looked, control of the supply channel and vetting compliance, streamlined processes for invoice management, and full management information to support future decision making.
Our Services Procurement model engages suppliers through 3 methods:
- Named provider on-boarding and management: flexibility to add and remove suppliers
- Supplier identification and selection: our team working as an extension of your in-house team to run competitions and evaluation processes
- Project delivery and support: access to our in-house experts to scope and define your projects before going to market
YPO 1141 Managing Consultancy and Professional Services
YPO 1141 Managing Consultancy and Professional Services
Our Services Procurement solution specifically designed for the Public Sector.
If you’re looking for a procurement solution that gives you true cost-effective commercials, tangible value, and access to professional procurement expertise across all consultancy and professional services categories, then our partnership with YPO will find a way for you.
The service is procured under the YPO 1141 Managing Consultancy and Professional Services Framework which has been specifically designed to offer Public Sector organisations a managed service solution for consultancy and professional services. Contracting Authorities can utilise the framework for one-off requirements or a full managed service.
Framework details are provided below:
- Framework Period: 01 October 2023 - 30 September 2026
- Extension Opportunities: 1 x 12 months
- OJEU Framework Notice: 2023/S 000-002091
- OJEU Award Notice: 2023/S 000-020592
- Geographic Coverage: National
Click here for more info from YPO
How it works:
Get in Touch
We are a framework sole provider with a holistic approach to supporting you, get in touch to discuss what you might need and how we can help:
- Existing Consultant/Service Provider to be made compliant
- Finding a Consultant or Professional Services provider to help develop a project scope or deliver a known set of requirements
- Augmenting your team in Tech, HR or Care, or to discuss a requirement for us to deliver projects directly using our own in-house Associate Consultant resource
Specification build and scope of work
Working with you to build a specification that will deliver the outcomes you need and engage suppliers effectively in the process.
Benchmarking and commercial structure:
Deciding on cost approaches and benchmarking fees to understand where value sits against market expectations.
Response evaluation and contracts:
Led by us to take on the administrative load, although we’ll work with you to detail what’s required to:
- Initially engage potential providers
- Agree the required content and format for responses, including evaluation criteria and Cost/Quality scoring
- Set-up our system to enable you to provide feedback
- Confirm the award to the selected bidder
- Complete the contractual arrangement between us and C+ and the chosen provider
PMO support and spend tracking:
Provision of reports for each project/service: tracking spend against PO, progress updates, managing checkpoint reviews and change control, along with monthly spend MI for data across all projects and consultants, using access to our system to provide full oversight and control
Statement of Works Management solution
Statement of Works Management solution
Changes in IR35 legislation present both risks and opportunities to your organisation. It’s critical that your response applies the new rules, but also harnesses the opportunity presented by IR35.
Statement of Work (SOW) is often mooted as a solution to IR35.
Our SOW Management solution is neutral service that provides governance over your Outside IR35 contractors and enables you to effectively implement SOW within your organisation. The service includes:
- Online project management platform to underpin service
- Support with making IR35 determinations
- Onboarding and compliance for your Outside IR35 contractors
- Supply chain management consolidating direct and agency supplied Outside IR35 contractors
- Contract management
- Scoping and creation of SOWs
- Flexible payment mechanisms: T&M, fixed price, milestone
- Consolidated invoicing and advanced MI
- Option to add project support from our in-house PMO
- Option to access our project delivery and resourcing function
Latest insights
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Case Study: Supporting on a project to procure an experienced meeting facilitator
Sheffield City Council were looking for a supplier to help support on a requirement, therefore, they reached out to Consultancy+ to see if we could support on the project.
Case Study: Nottingham County Council
Nottingham County Council were looking to award a supplier to help them deliver a project, therefore, they reached out to Consultancy+ to support on the project.
Case Study: Procuring to support the development of new carers strategy for Wigan Council
Wigan Council were looking for a supplier to help them produce a new carers strategy for the borough
Blog: Building a supply chain that is aligned to your organisation's social values
Building a supply chain aligned to your organisation's social values is growing in importance, as stakeholders increasingly expect organisations to take accountability for their ESG credentials.